- Talks presented at
Global Aspects of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, the 2006 Yosemite Workshop,
Yosemite National Park, CA, USA, 7-10 February 2006.
- Talks presented at the
8th International Conference on Substorms, Banff, Canada, March, 2006.
- Talks presented at the
European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 April 2006.
- Benson, R.F.,
Magnetic-Field-Aligned Electron-Density Irregularities in the Ionosphere and
Magnetosphere: their Detection, Generation and Significance,
Laboratory for Solar and Space Physics Seminar Series, NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, U.S.A., 7 April 2006.
- Benson, R.F.,
RPI/IMAGE plasma and magnetic signatures of solar-wind/magnetosphere interactions,
Spring Joint Assembly, American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.,
23-26 May 2006.
- Boardsen, S.A., et al.,
Is the Linear Mode Conversion Theory viable for generating Kilometric Continuum?,
Spring Joint Assembly, American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.,
23-26 May 2006.
- Briea, P., et al.,
Major storms of 2000-2005 as observed by the Radio Plasma Imager,
URSI National Radio Science Meeting, University of Colorado at Boulder, January 4-7, 2006.
- Carpenter, D.L., et al., Proton gyro-harmonic (PGH) echoes stimulated by the
radio sounder on the IMAGE satellite,
2nd VERSIM workshop, Sodankyla, Finland, 26-30 September, 2006.
- Foster, J.C., et al.,
Sub-Auroral Electric Field Effects on the Mid-Latitude Ionosphere,
URSI National Radio Science Meeting, University of Colorado at Boulder, January 4-7, 2006.
- Frey, H.U.,
Localized aurora beyond the auroral oval,
Department of Geophysics, Tohoku University, Japan, February 2, 2006.
- Frey, H.U.,
Localized aurora beyond the auroral oval,
STELAB, Nagoya University, Japan, February 10, 2006.
- Frey, H.U.,
Localized aurora beyond the auroral oval,
Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley, March 24, 2006.
- Frey, H.U.,
Localized aurora beyond the auroral oval,
Geophysikalisches Institut, Universitat Braunschweig, Germany, April 11, 2006.
- Frey, H.U.,
The mysterious aurora,
Vista Community College, Berkeley, March 14, 2006.
- Fung, S.F., et al.,
A Survey of Solar Type III Storm Activity Over the Solar Cycle,
Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, 24-27 July 2006.
- Galkin, I.A., et al.,
Intelligent archive technologies for NASA/IMAGE radio plasma imager data,
submitted to Second NASA Data Mining Workshop: Issues and Applications in
Earth Science, Pasadena, California, May 23-24, 2006.
- Galkin, I.A., et al.,
Intelligent image prospecting system for IMAGE/RPI mission,
World Automation Conference, 2006.
[PDF Document]
- Garcia, L.N., et al.,
Transport and Loss of Thermal Plasma From the Plasmasphere,
Spring Joint Assembly, American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.,
23-26 May 2006.
- Green, J.L., et al.,
Contribution of Lightning Whistlers to the Plasmaspheric Hiss Spectrum,
URSI National Radio Science Meeting, University of Colorado at Boulder, January 4-7, 2006.
- Green, J.L., et al.,
Source Region Characteristics of Non-thermal Continuum Radiation,
Radio Science Symposium for a Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University,
Kyoto, Japan, 20-21 March 2006.
- Green, J.L., et al.,
Contribution of Lightning Whistlers to the Plasmaspheric Hiss Spectrum,
2nd Kanazawa Workshop on Waves in Plasmas and Electromagnetic Applications,
Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan, 23-24 March 2006.
- Green, J.L.,
Solar Storms, Geomagnetic Storms and Auroras: Effects on Today's Technologies,
Brown Bag Seminar, Goddard Space Flight Center, June 7, 2006.
- Grimald, S., et al.,
NTC Radiation reflected on Magnetopause Surface: Observations from Cluster
Large Scale Configuration,
36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, 16-23 July 2006.
- Nsumei, P., et al.,
Modeling the F2 Topside and Plasmasphere for IRI,
URSI National Radio Science Meeting, University of Colorado at Boulder, January 4-7, 2006.
- Osherovich, V.A., et al.,
Prediction of Dn Resonances in the Solar Corona,
Spring Joint Assembly, American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.,
23-26 May 2006.
- Reinisch, B.W., et al.,
Modeling the ionosphere topside to plasmasphere electron density distribution
using ISIS and IMAGE/RPI satellite data,
Spring Joint Assembly, American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.,
23-26 May 2006.
- Reinisch, B.W., et al.,
Magnetospheric electron density from IMAGE/RPI wave observations during
magnetic storms,
Spring Joint Assembly, American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.,
23-26 May 2006.
- Sandel, B.R., et al.,
Supply of Plasma to the Inner Magnetosphere: Plasmasphere Refilling,
Yosemite Conference, California, U.S.A., 2006.
- Tu J., et al.,
Smooth transition of plasmasphere to plasma trough as observed by IMAGE RPI,
36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, 16-23 July 2006.
- Webb, P.A.,
Assembling a Plasmaspheric Electron Density Database from IMAGE RPI Dynamic Spectra,
Laboratory for Solar and Space Physics Seminar Series, Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, Maryland, U.S.A, 5 May 2006.
- Webb, P.A.,
Deriving Plasmaspheric Electron Densities from IMAGE RPI Dynamic Spectra,
Space Science Seminar, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UCLA, Los
Angeles, U.S.A, March 2006.
Dr. E. V. Bell, II, ed.bell@nasa.gov, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA Official: Dr. David R. Williams
Rev. 1.4.8, 18 July 2013, EVB II