- Benson, R.F., and V.A. Osherovich,
Application of Ionospheric Topside-Sounding Results to Magnetospheric
Physics and Astrophysics,
Proceedings of the Ionospheric Effects Symposium, Alexandria, VA, 2002.
[Word Document]
- Benson, R.F., Magnetospheric Electron Densities and Electron Density
Structures Determined from the RPI on IMAGE,
presented at the LEP Brownbag Seminar, 12 April 2002.
- Benson, R.F., et al.,
Relative Power Levels of Multiple RPI/IMAGE Field-Aligned Magnetospheric Echoes,
presented at the January 2002 URSI meeting.
- Bilitza, D., et al., TOPIST - Automated Processing of ISIS Topside Ionograms,
Proceedings of the Ionospheric Effects Symposium, Alexandria, VA, 2002.
- Burch, J.L., Recent results from the IMAGE mission, in
Proceedings of SOLSPA: The Second Solar Cycle and Space Weather Euroconference,
Vico Equense, Italy, September 2001 (ESA SP-477), February 2002.
- Brandt, P.C., et al., Plasma sheet dynamics during substorm from global ENA
measurements onboard IMAGE,
Sixth International Conference on Substorms, Ed. R. M. Winglee, 278-282, 2002
- Carpenter, D.L., et al., Radio sounding the Earth's
plasmasphere and excitation of the whistler and Z modes by the Radio
Plasma Imager (RPI) instrument on the IMAGE satellite,
Proceedings of the Ionospheric Effects Symposium, Alexandria, VA,
May 2002.
[Word Document]
- Collier, M.R., et al., Observations of neutral atoms from the Solar Wind
and Magnetosheath, Solar Wind 10, Simone Landi and Marco Velli (eds),
SV 43, p.131, 2002.
- Collier, M.R., et al., Evidence for a Thirty Degree Offset Between the
Heliospheric Upstream Direction and the Peak Neutral Flux Inside of 1 AU,
The World Space Congress, Houston, Texas, 10-19 October 2002.
- Coumans, V., et al., Electron and proton excitation of the FUV aurora: Simultaneous
IMAGE and NOAA observations, J. Geophys. Res., 107, A11, 1347,
10.1029/2001JA009233, 2002.
- Coumans, V., et al., Ionospheric conductances due to auroral proton and electron precipitation
deduced from IMAGE-FUV observations, presented at the EGS Meeting, Nice, France, April 22, 2002.
- Cummer, S.A., et al., Advances in Magnetospheric Radio Wave Analysis and Tomography,
Submitted to Adv. Space Res., December 2002.
- Fok, M-C., Ring Current Modeling in the Global Geospace,
Space and Cosmic Ray Physics Seminar, University of Maryland, 30 September 2002.
- Frey, H.U., et al., Characteristics and cause of localized auroral UV emission
at high latitude, presented at the EGS Meeting, Nice, France, April 22, 2002.
- Frey, H.U., Characteristics of localized, high latitude aurora,
seminar at Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, UK,
February 27, 2002.
- Fuselier, S. A., Magnetospheric cusp dynamics and reconnection: IMAGE observations,
Mini-workshop on Magnetic Reconnection, University of California, Berkeley, 19 February 2002.
- Green, J. L., A Brief Overview of Results from the RPI on IMAGE,
LEP Seminar, 6 September 2002, Goddard Space Flight Center.
[PPT Presentation]
- Green, J.L., et al., Plasmaspheric Bite-Outs and the Generation of Kilometric
Continuum Radiation, Polar/Wind/Geotail Science Team Meeting, 20 February 2002.
- Green, J.L., and R.J. Burley, Trends in Data Processing for Space Science Missions,
Space Data Processing Workshop 2002, Greenbelt, Maryland, 27 February 2002.
[PPT Presentation]
- Gurgiolo, C., IMAGE: A Global Look at the Magnetosphere,
Presented at the Montana State University Physics Colloquium, 3 May 2002.
- Hashimoto, K., et al., Kilometric Continuum and its Relation with Geomagnetic Activities,
to be presented at the July 2002 COSPAR Workshop.
- Huang, X., et al., Inversion of RPI/IMAGE plasmagram, presented at the
GEM Workshop, Telluride, Colorado, 2002.
- Huang, X., et al., Plasma Distribution as a Function of Latitude and L-shell in the plasmasphere:
A RPI Case Study,
presented at the January 2002 URSI meeting.
- Huang, X., et al., Conjugate Asymmetry in the Plasmaspheric Density Distributions at Solstice -
RPI Case Studies, presented at the May 2002 Ionospheric Effects Symposium.
- Hubert, B., et al., The electron and proton energy input into the auroral thermosphere during
substorms: Remote sensing with IMAGE-FUV, presented at the EGS Meeting, Nice, France, April 22, 2002.
- Jahn, J.M., et al.,, Simultaneous Observation of Precipitating and Trapped Particle
Substorm Dynamics using IMAGE, presented at International Conference on Substorms (ICS-6),
Seattle, Washington, USA, March, 2002.
- Jahn, J.-M., et al., Magnetic storms as seen by IMAGE,
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 4, EGS02-A-02374, European Geophysical Society, 2002.
- Moore, T.E., Imaging Near-Earth Space,
in the Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, ed. P. Murdin, online, 2001 (revised 2002).
- Nakamura, R., et al., Substorm expansion onset observed by Cluster,
Proc. ICS-6, Seattle, p. 55-62, 2002.
- Nsumei, P.A., et al., The Variation of High Latitude Electron Density Distribution with
Geomagnetic Activity deduced from IMAGE/RPI Sounding, presented at the
GEM Workshop, Telluride, Colorado, 2002.
- Ostgaard, N., et al., Neutral hydrogen density profiles derived
from geocoronal imaging, COSPAR meeting, Houston, Texas, USA, October, 2002.
- Ostgaard, N., Hydrogen density profiles derived from geocoronal imaging,
Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, USA, September, 2002.
- Ostgaard, N., Hydrogen density profiles derived from geocoronal imaging,
Lecture, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center, Palo Alto, September, 2002.
- Ostgaard, N., Hydrogen density profiles derived from geocoronal imaging,
Lecture, University of Bergen, Norway, May, 2002.
- Ostgaard, N., Hydrogen density profiles derived from geocoronal imaging,
Lecture, University of Oslo, Norway, May, 2002.
- Ostgaard, N., et al., High-latitude dayside energetic precipitation and IMF Bz rotations,
J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2002.
- Pollock, C.J., et al., Magnetospheric ENAs observed with the IMAGE/MENA imager,
presented at COSPAR 2000, Warsaw, Poland, July 2000.
- Pollock, C.J., et al., Morphology of magnetospheric storm-time medium energy neutral atom (MENA) emissions,
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 4, EGS02-A-06424, European Geophysical Society, 2002.
- Reeves, G.D., et al.,
Storm-time and isolated substorms compared through geosynchronous and ENA measurements,
presented at the Sixth International Conference on Substorms, ICS-6, Seattle, WA, March 25-29, 2002.
- Reinisch, B., et al., Effects of Magnetostorms on the Plasmaspheric Density Distribution,
presented at the May 2002 Ionospheric Effects Symposium.
- Reinisch, B., et al.,
Electron density profiles in the magnetosphere from IMAGE/RPI plasmagrams,
presented at the January 2002 URSI meeting.
- Reinisch, B., Radio Sounding in the Magnetosphere,
talk presented to the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, February, 2002.
- Sales, G.S., et al., Wave Polarization of Field-Aligned Propagating Modes Using IMAGE/RPI,
presented at the January 2002 URSI meeting.
- Sales, G.S., et al., Amplitude and Polarization of Field Aligned Propagating Radio Signals in the
Plasmasphere Observed with RPI on IMAGE, presented at the May 2002 Ionospheric Effects Symposium.
- Santol’k, O., et al.,
Multicomponent Measurements of Elf Waves Near The Plasmapause By Cluster and
Their Comparison With The Image Euv Data, EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice,
France, 21-26 April 2002.
- Scime, E. E., et al., Remote ion temperature measurements of Earth's magnetosphere:
Medium energy neutral atom (MENA) images,
presented at the January 2002 URSI meeting.
- Song, P., et al., Magnetospheric Active Wave Experiments,
Submitted to Adv. Space Res., December 2002.
- Song, P., et al., Field-Aligned Plasma Density Profiles Derived from RPI Plasma Sounding,
presented at the May 2002 Ionospheric Effects Symposium.
- Song, P., et al., Measuring the Plasma Density Along the Magnetic Field: A Radio Sounding
Technique, presented at the GEM Workshop, Telluride, Colorado, 2002.
- Webb P.A., IMAGEing the Plasmasphere, to be presented 12 November 2002 at
Department of Physics, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.
- Webb P.A., et al., Modeling Comparisons to Plasma Observations Obtained
from RPI/IMAGE, presented at the January 2002 URSI meeting.
- Webb P.A., et al., Comparing plasmaspheric observations from the
IMAGE satellite with the predictions of the GPID model,
presented at the URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, The Netherlands, August 2002.
- Wieser, M., et al., Direct mass spectrometric measurement of interstellar neutral gas,
proceedings of the Week of Doctoral Students 2002, (ed. J. Safrankova), Charles University,
Prague, Czech Republic, 275-280, 2002.
[PDF Article]
- Wurz, P., Energetic Neutrals Atoms Measured with IMAGE/LENA,
presented at the ISSI workshop on the Physical parameters of LIM through coordinated
observations of the Gravitational Focusing cone at 1 AU, 14 August 2002.
- Wurz, P., Energetic Neutrals Atoms Measured with IMAGE/LENA,
presented at the ISSI workshop on the Physics of the Heliotail, 15 July 2002.
Dr. E. V. Bell, II, ed.bell@nasa.gov, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA Official: Dr. David R. Williams
Rev. 1.2.1 24 April 2006, DRW