Meetings and Workshops
Meetings and Workshops
Image of IMAGE in space

IMAGE Data Systems and Formats Workshop

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Bldg. 26, Room 105
18-20 March 1998


Requirements for Telemetry Distribution Format

  • The values of all instrument products (including science and engineering data) delivered to the IMAGE spacecraft CIDP will be stored as generated by the instruments.

  • The organization of instrument data products will adhere to a space physics recognized structure that shall include a formalism for holding and defining telemetry data products.

  • Stand-alone use of telemetry data files shall be readily supported on common desktop and departmental computer systems.

  • The detailed structure and definition of instrument data product elements, as stored in the telemetry distribution format, must be permanently defined early in the development of the SMOC.

  • Access to and use of the telemetry distribution format shall be based on Computer-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products to that degree which is possible and practical. Use of custom or uncommon software shall be minimized.

  • The cost of implementation must be minimized and shall not exceed the funding available through the IMAGE Mission for this purpose.


Level-0 Data: Each instrument delivers binary information to the spacecraft data system. This stream of data is the Level-0 data for each instrument. The flight and ground telemetry systems are responsible for delivering these instrument data streams to investigators through the Science Mission Operations Center (SMOC).

Level-0.5 Data: It is proposed that all the Level-0 instrument data be placed into a format that is widely recognized by the space plasma physics community. The suggestion is based on the desire to archive IMAGE telemetry data in a form that will be recognized by researchers in this field for many years to come. The Level-0 instrument data streams do not constitute such a recognized format. This data format allows no change to the binary values of the Level-0 data, only a reorganization of Level-0 data, as desired, to achieve a more logical order.

Level-1 Data: The IMAGE Mission is committed to deliver summary observations to the NSSDC in Common Data Format (CDF). Summary instrument data in the CDF structure is Level-1 data. By definition, Level-1 data is a summary of Level-0 data, containing only that subset of information that the instrument leads deem necessary for use in surveying their instrument observations and identifying interesting periods of time for more detailed analysis.

Level-1 Displays: More than one graphic display of Level-1 data will be necessary. At a minimum, low resolution, multi-panel suitable graphic images and higher resolution single-panel graphic images will be needed. These two types of graphic images will be produced in a web-suitable format, e.g. GIF or JPEG, in the SMOC and made available for quick viewing over the web. Graphic displays produced from the Level-1 data files by the CDAWeb and other NSSDC utilities are also considered to be Level-1 Displays. In addition to different graphic image sizes, some instrument summary data may be suitable for display in more than one organizational format. An example would be the RPI survey data, which will support angle-distance and frequency-distance displays.

Defining Level-0.5

Three data formats have been proposed for Level-0.5: Level-0, CDF, and IDFS. The proposal that Level-0 be used for Level-0.5 is a proposal to exclude implementation of a Level-0.5 format. Each of these formats carry with it advantages and disadvantages, therefore, any decision will lead to a necessary set of tasks and compromises.

Please keep in mind that the statements below represent my current knowledge of the pro and con arguments regarding the current alternatives. Corrections and additions to this listing will be made at the upcoming meeting.

Level-0 for Level-0.5


  1. This format is defined by the individual instrument leads and will necessarily already exist when IMAGE flys.

  2. We can add document files that specify the particular information and structure held in the Level-0, in order to document the format sufficiently well to allow future researchers access to the data.

  3. RPI Level-0 data doesn't make sense to translate into Level-0.5, because it will require proprietary processing before it will make any sense to people outside of the instrument team.


  1. The act of adding documenting files to the Level-0 data in order to facilitate future access to IMAGE data by non-IMAGE Team researchers defines a new data archive format that is not in wide usage by the space plasma research community. We ought not be making up any new archive format, when formats are already available.

  2. This format for the raw data is not self documenting or in any way structured to support non-IMAGE Team access for either the short term or long term.

  3. We will have to develop the necessary IDL or other language programs for writing Level-1 data, for viewing, and for analyzing data.
IDFS for Level-0.5


  1. This format allows us to organize instrument data streams into a logical ordering of the bytes of information.

  2. The format is in use and has been used in many other space plasma physics missions, including the Viking, Freja, Interball, and Prognoz missions on which SwRI was not a participant.

  3. SwRI is the origin of this format and their participation on the IMAGE team insures some level of support for its use.

  4. The "generic software" has been developed to read the IDFS data and perform certain kinds of processing, as well as, support the federation of distributed data base systems that use the "generic software" and archive IDFS formatted data.

  5. The generic software will run on any platform running a UNIX or UNIX-like operating system

  6. The generic software that has been developed for the IDFS can be used to produce all of the defined Level-1 data products with the exception of RPI.


  1. We are already obligated to learn how to write and read the CDF format. We shouldn't introduce yet another format in our SMOC and investigator data systems.

  2. The generic software that has been developed for the IDFS format cannot be used to write the Level-1 data files for the RPI data.

  3. IDL routines have not yet been identified to read and write IDFS formatted data.

  4. In general, we will have to develop the necessary IDL or other language programs for writing Level-1 data, for viewing, and for analyzing data.

  5. The generic software is not applicable to all data sets for use in writing Level-1 data files.

  6. The generic software has yet to be tested on a platform running a non-UNIX operating system (Windows, DOS, NT, or MacOS).

  7. IDFS specifications look heavily oriented toward storing conventional imagery data coming from particle detectors/spectrometers/UV sensors. It is a concern that fitting RPI data into IDFS might be a time consuming effort, especially considering IDFS library interfacing problems with RPI team post-processing software in Java.

  8. IDFS is a proprietary binary format which comes with a set of library functions written in C language to operate with it. It does not look possible to read IDFS files directly (i.e., without library functions) because of proprietary solutions enforcing platform independence of the format. Therefore the library routines which "know" how to deal with the data must be an integral part of any application operating on IDFS files. And if an application is not written in C or C++, a problem of porting or interfacing appears. Porting means rewriting the library functions in different language (say, IDL language), where interfacing means arranging calls to IDFS library via cross-language interface. Neither solution is fun to implement.

CDF for Level-0.5


  1. This format allows us to organize instrument data streams into a logical ordering of the bytes of information.

  2. The format is in use and has been used in many other space plasma physics missions.

  3. NASA/GSFC/NSSDC is the origin of this format and their participation on the IMAGE team insures some level of support for its use.

  4. IDL routines already exist for reading and writing CDF formatted data.

  5. Using this format means not having to learn and support another data archive format for the IMAGE mission.


  1. Although there are many other missions that have used CDF, it appears that CDF usage may have been mandated by NASA.

  2. It wasn't specifically designed to archive raw telemetry data and has never been used by any mission for that purpose.

  3. We will have to develop the necessary IDL or other language programs for writing Level-1 data, for viewing, and for analyzing data.

  4. CDF appears not to be suitable for RPI Level-2 data, because the format requires array sizes to be fixed in size at the maximum possible dimension expected for each data variable. This requirement will waste significant space, because maximum array sizes would often not be needed. It is also the case that normal maximum array sizes could end up being too small in some cases to hold all of the measurements. RPI Level-2 data is the first format for this instrument that is useable by anyone. That means that RPI Level-1 data must be produced from Level-2 data.

  5. If this were to be implemented where each CDF record was just another data packet, then this approach doesn't get you past (Level-0 for Level-0.5 Con #1) having to define the packets in another document.

    The only other way to implement it would be break the packet down into it's various measurands, and save these measurands in byte arrays, which still leaves you with the task of converting/calibrating these into engineering values.
Other Comments
  1. [Bodo Reinisch/Ivan Galkin] Suppose we can find a way to import IDFS files into IDL. Then adopting IDFS means for us a commitment to IDL development environment. We have full IDL license in house, and IDL is flexible enough to support plasmagram/echomap displays and the interactive mode, so we do not seem to have problems working with the RPI data. However, our processing techniques have to be ported to IDL language as well. This type of commitment to a visualization tool is quite serious and somewhat contradicts our general policy to work with universally available environments like Java. IDL is available for many platforms, however the license is too expensive for ordinary researchers to afford. (At this time we have only one IDL developer seat.) Java tools seem to continue gaining momentum and already show unmatched advanced features coming from the best existing projects in the field.

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Dr. E. V. Bell, II,, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Dr. D. R. Williams,, +1-301-286-1258
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA Official: Dr. David R. Williams Rev. 2.0.0, 28 August 2002