Action Items and Issues
- Spacecraft
- Spacecraft data system must report back to
instruments their effective data rate after
compression in the telemetry stream.
(Burch 1/21)
- Investigate adding ACE & Kp data to BP
(Burley/Green 1/21)
- Assess change in the SMOC architecture
(Burley 3/1)
- Must have two servers access to data (Public,
instrument team)
- Level-0 (Burley 3/1)
- Need to work issue of level-0 file size, to
support practical ftp access.
- Instrument and Theory & Modeling Team
- Certify CDF's and deliver skeleton table to
R. Burley by March 1st (all)
- RPI team to re-examine BP for the generation of
"skymaps" (Green 1/21)
- Simulated CDFs for all intrument data
(Gallagher 1/21)
- CDF (to be revisited after IDFS decision)
- Need to add a global attribute defining version
of software used to create CDF or change
date_version to mean that.
- IDFS (Chris/Rick/Jim 1/21)
- Determine whether CDF export capability supports
ISTP compliant CDF.
- Confirm automatic generation of CDF files.
- Must have IDL procedures created to read IDFS files.
- Need to establish procedure and responsible site(s)
for holding and distributing IDFS calibration files.
- How does creation and version specification carry
into the CDFs?
- NSSDC (Green/Burley 3/1)
- Complete and distribute a document on what
services for access to IMAGE data will be provided.
- Include bulk data distribution.
- Space Physics Data Facility (Green/Burley 3/1)
- Document expected improvements to the CDAWeb system.
- IMAGE's desire is to have a capability to:
- generate animated GIF or MPEG movies
- deliver a subset of CDF data
Dr. E. V. Bell, II,, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Dr. D. R. Williams,, +1-301-286-1258
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771