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RPI Program Modes

The following table is a summary of the various RPI program modes as specified in archived CDF files.

# Code Description Units Range
1   Schedule # N/A 1-32
2   Program # N/A 1-64
3 01 (L) Lower Frequency Limit 1 kHz 3 kHz-3 MHz
4 02 (C) Coarse Frequency
If >0 log steps
If <0 linear steps
100 Hz
100 Hz-1 MHz
5 03 (U) Upper Frequency Limit 1 kHz 3 kHz-3 MHz
6 04 (F) Fine Frequency Step 100 Hz 100 Hz-1 MHz
7 05 (S) No. of fine steps
(no zero value)
negative value disables multiplexing
Unit +1 to +8
-1 to -8
8 06 (X) Tx Waveform *
0 = no waveform (passive msmt)
1 = Complimentary (51 msec)
2 = FM/CW "Chirp" (125 msec)
3 = Staggered Pulse (786 chips)
4 = Long Pulse (125 msec)
5 = Short Pulse (3.2 msec)
6 = 0.5 sec Pulse
7 = 1.95 sec Pulse
8 = 8 chip complimentary pulse (25 msec)
9 = 4 chip complimentary pulse (13 msec)
-1 to -9 same but no phase switching
up to four multiplexed waveforms are supported
Table -9 to +9
(no zero value)
Each byte contains information on a waveform used in the run
9 07 (A) Tx Antenna options *
1 = Radio Silent (no Tx)
2 = X antenna only
3 = Y antenna only
4 = X+Y in linear polarization
5 = Right Circular Polarization RCP
6 = Left Circular Polarization, LCP
7 = RCP & LCP alternate w.r.t. +Z
8 = X+Y switch linear Pol by 90°
-1 to -7 same but bypass antenna coupler
Table -8 to +8
(no zero value)
10 08 (N) No. of Integrated Repetitions *
Negative means power integration instead of coherent integration
2N -8 to +8
11 09 (R) Pulse Repetition Rate*
0 = 0.5 pps
1 = 1.0 pps
2 = 2.0 pps
3 = 4.0 pps
10 = 10 pps
20 = 20 pps
50 = 50 pps
Table 0, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50
12 10 (O) Operating Mode*
0 = Standby
1 = Calibr /ation
2 = Relaxation
3 = Sounding
4 = Thermal Noise
5 = Whistler
6 = Test Pattern
Table 0 to 5
13 11 (W) Power Limit constraint Watts 0-120
14 12 (E) Start Range 960 km units 1 Mm 0 to 255
15 13 (H) Range Resolution 10 km 24 or 48
16 14 (M) No. of range bins
8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
Unit 8 to 1024
17 15 (G) Base Gain
negative = Fixed Gain
positive = Automatic Gain
Table -18 to +18
18 16 (I) Frequency Search
0 = Disabled
n = 5 freq spaced by n*244 Hz
negative = Default calibration
positive = Dynamic calibration
Table -9 to +9
19 17 (P) No. of ranges stored
Unit 1 to 1024
20 18 (B) Bottom of range window 1 Mm 0 to 250 Mm
21 19 (T) Top of range window 1 Mm 0 to 250 Mm
22 20 (D) Databin Format*
0 = No Data
1 = Calibration - CAL
2 = Double Byte Data - DBD
3 = Linear Time Domain - LTD
4 = Spectral Maximum Data - SMD
5 = Single Byte Data - SBD
6 = Precision Range Data - PRD
7 = Spectral Science Data - SSD
8 = Thermal Time Domain - TTD
Table 0 to 8
23 21 (Z) Threshold cleaning, in % *
0 = no thresholding
% 0 to 99
24 22 Spare program parameter    
25   Flight software version   26-999
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RPI: Program Specification in CDF Files

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