Calvert, W., Benson, R. F., D. L. Carpenter, S. F. Fung, D. L. Gallagher, J. L. Green, P. H. Reiff, B. W. Reinisch, M. F. Smith, and W. W. L. Taylor, Feasibility of radio sounding in the magnetosphere, presented at the National Radio Science Meeting (URSI), University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, January 3-7, 1994. FEASIBILITY OF RADIO SOUNDING IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE W. Calvert, R. F. Benson, D. L. Carpenter, S. F. Fung, D. L. Gallagher, J. L. Green, P. H. Reiff, B. W. Reinisch, M. F. Smith, and W. W. L. Taylor c/o W. Calvert Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Iowa, Iowa City. IA 52242 Providing remote density measurements of unprecedented accuracy and coverage, pulsed radio sounding in the magnetosphere would permit almost continuous observation of the plasmapause and magnetopause, along with complete cross-sectional density images of plasmasphere, cusp, and auroral plasma cavity. This technique would thus revitalize magnetospheric research and answer many important questions that cannot be addressed by local measurements. Using modern digital techniques and operating at frequencies of 3 kHz to 3 MHz, a magnetospheric radio sounder would require 500-meter tip-to-tip dipole antennas and a transmitter peak pulse power of ten watts or less. This sounder would be equipped with three-axis electric antennas to measure echo directions, including two long-wire antennas in the spacecraft spin plane and a short, tuned dipole receiving antenna along the spin axis. The plasmagram cycle, during which echo delays and directions are measured as a function of frequency, would require only a few minutes and include both range-gate and Doppler integration to enhance the echo signals. Density versus distance profiles could thus be calculated at intervals of roughly two degrees along a satellite orbit at 6 RE, using techniques previously developed during the Alouette and ISIS Topside-Sounder Programs [see Franklin and Maclean, Proc. IEEE, 57, 897-928, 1969; J. E. Jackson, ibid., 960-975]. Considering spatial attenuation, focusing, and competing natural and instrumental noise sources, such a sounder is found to be quite feasible and practical. It is therefore considered an outstanding candidate for future missions to remotely image the magnetosphere.