Modeling Proton Arcs and Ring Current-Ionosphere Coupling V.K. Jordanova, T.J. Immel, M. Spasojevic, and M.F. Thomsen Detached proton auroral arcs have been recently observed at Earth by the instruments on IMAGE satellite. These events are characterized by IMAGE FUV observations of subauroral arcs, at lower latitudes and separated from the main auroral oval, and extending over several hours of local time in the afternoon sector. The emissions have been related to the precipitation of 20-30 keV protons measured by the FAST electrostatic analyzers. Plasmaspheric plumes were simultaneously observed during many of these events by the EUV instrument on IMAGE and the MPA analyzer on the geosynchronous Los Alamos spacecraft. In this study we present simulations of the proton precipitation during several subauroral arc events identified from IMAGE data sets. The inner magnetospheric conditions were moderately disturbed during these periods. We employ our kinetic ring current-atmosphere interactions model (RAM), which calculates the evolution of H+, O+, and He+ ion distributions due to earthward transport, acceleration, and loss. We use a high resolution convection model, where the strength of the cross-tail electric field is inferred from the latitude of the equatorward edge of the diffuse aurora. The ring current model is coupled with a neutral hydrogen density model of the geocorona and a time-dependent plasmasphere model. Measurements from the geosynchronous LANL satellites are used to simulate the time-variant plasma inflow on the nightside and to compare with model results on the dayside. The growth rate of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves is self-consistently calculated as the time progresses and global images of precipitating ions are obtained. In good agreement with IMAGE observations, EMIC waves are preferentially excited, and proton precipitation maximizes, within regions of spatial overlap of energetic ring current protons and cold plasmaspheric populations in the afternoon sector. This indicates that pitch angle scattering by EMIC waves is a viable mechanism for particle precipitation into the atmosphere and generation of detached proton auroral arcs. _______________ Global Aspects of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, 2006 Yosemite Workshop, Yosemite National Park, CA, USA, 7-10 February 2006