Ion equatorial distributions from ENA images obtained by IMAGE during geomagnetic storms: Drift of Ion Flux X. X. Zhang, J. D. Perez Physics Department, Auburn University,Auburn, AL M.-C. Fok NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD D. G. Mitchell The Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD C. J. Pollock Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX X. Y. Wang, Y. Lin Physics Department, Auburn University, Auburn, AL Energetic neutral atom (ENA) images in the energy range of 1 - 60 keV are being obtained by the medium and high energetic neutral atom (MENA/HENA) imagers on board the IMAGE satellite. These ENA emissions reveal the ion distribution and its evolution during geomagnetic storms and/or substorms. During the development of magnetospheric storms and/or substorms, the ENA enhancements associated with magnetic field dipolarizations and inward plasma injections are also observed by geosynchronous LANL satellites (1989-046, 1990-095, 1991-080, 1994-084, LANL-97A) and GOES (GOES-8 and GOES-10), and in the proton aurora as observed by the far ultra violet (FUV) imager on board IMAGE. The ion equatorial pitch angle distributions have been extracted from the MENA and HENA images for the time periods in June 10, 2000, August 12, 2000 and October 4, 2002. We will show deconvolved results that illustrate energy-dependent drift patterns and present comparisons with observations from the geosynchronous satellites and the FUV imager. Simulations of ion trajectories will be used to interpret features observed in the trapped ion flux. _______________ To be presented at the 2002 Spring A.G.U. Meeting, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., 28-31 May 2002