Magnetic Reconnection Site Estimate S.-W. Chang, S. B. Mende, H. U. Frey, R. A. Greenwald, L. Avanov, and D. L. Gallagher Magnetic reconnection plays an important role in transferring solar wind mass, momentum, and energy into the magnetosphere. The merging site and rate depend on the solar wind and IMF condition. Magnetosheath plasmas precipitate into the ionosphere on magnetic field lines that become open as a result of the magnetic merging. Plasmas boundaries associated with the open/closed field line boundary as in the subsolar merging or the high-latitude boundary between the intense solar wind plasma and polar rain as in the lobe merging provide information regarding the location and size of merging line for various IMF conditions. Because of their scale and long duration of coverage, global images of auroral emissions produced by energetic protons in the cusp and its vicinity are particularly useful in determining the above plasma boundaries. We will utilize proton aurora images from IMAGE/FUV and ionosphere flows from SuperDARN radar network to estimate plasma boundaries at the ionosphere and map these boundaries to the magnetopause to estimate the size and location of merging line. For each solar wind and IMF condition, a range of estimates will be discussed. _______________ To be presented at the 2002 Spring A.G.U. Meeting, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., 28-31 May 2002