The Characteristics of the Long Dipole Antennas on IMAGE at VLF Frequencies Within the Plasmasphere T. W. Chevalier, T. F. Bell, I. S. Inan, U. S. Inan, and B W. Reinisch Outside the plasmasphere the local plasmafrequency and gyrofrequency are relatively low, and at VLF frequencies (3-30 kHz) the refractive index of VLF waves is generally close to unity. In this case the long dipole antennas on IMAGE can be successfully modeled as short antennas in free space in order to determine the input impedance of the antenna. Following this step, the antennas can be tuned using inductors of known values in order to maximize the radiated power from the antennas. Within the plasmasphere the situation is drastically different since the refractive index of VLF waves is much larger there, and the IMAGE antennas are then large compared to the VLF wavelength. Furthermore the effects of the ion sheath surrounding the antennas become more important because of the higher density of the ambient plasma. As a result of these factors, neither the VLF input impedance or radiated power of the dipole antennas is presently known within the plasmasphere. However for an untuned antenna, the radiated power depends upon the input reactance of the antenna, and this power is an important factor in understanding the attenuation, scattering, and mode coupling that affect VLF waves as they propagate to distant points and then reflect back to the spacecraft. In the present paper we use finite difference, time domaine techniques in order to determine the VLF input impedance and radiated power of the IMAGE long antennas within the plasmasphere. We also make application to data obtained by the Radio Plasma Imager within the plasmasphere. _______________ Presented at the Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA., December 15-19, 2000