Relevant DPS Publications
Reinisch, B.W., T. W. Bullett, J. L. Scali, and D. M. Haines, High Latitude Digisonde measurements and their relevance to IRI, Adv. Space Res., 16(1), 17, 1995.
Scali, J. L. and B. W. Reinisch, Coordinated digisonde and incoherent scatter radar F region drift measurements at Sondre Stromfjord, Radio Sci., 30, 5, 1481-1498, 1995.
Sales, G. S., B. W. Reinisch, J. L. Scali, and C. Dozois, T. W. Bullett, and E. J. Weber, P. Ning, Spread F and the structure of equatorial ionization depletions in the southern anomaly region, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 26819-26827, 1996.