Ray Tracing Calculations
- Ray Tracing Code
- Developed by Shawhan [1967] & modified by Green [1976], has
supported over 30 studies during the last 15 years
- Uses the Haselgrove [1955] formalism and cold plasma dispersion
relations [Stix, 1992]
- Modeled receiver noise level
- Three-dimensional magnetospheric plasma model
- Diffusive equilibrium plasmasphere [Angerami & Thomas, 1964]
- Plasmapause model [Aikyo & Ondoh, 1971]
- Magnetopause boundary [Roelof & Sibeck, 1993]
- With Gaussian or multi-Gaussian density profile
- Magnetopause density characteristic of MHD models
- 4 times the solar wind density at subsolar point
- 1.1 times the solar density at the dawn-dusk meridian
- Solar Wind electron density = 10 /cc