Meetings and Workshops
Meetings and Workshops
Image of IMAGE in space

EUV Team Meeting

University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
12-13 November 2002



The IMAGE EUV team at the University of Arizona will host a meeting of those interested in the EUV investigation on 12 and 13 November 2002, in Tucson. A draft agenda is provided below. The meeting will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Room 919 of the Gould-Simpson Building.

Draft Agenda

Tuesday-Wednesday, 12-13 November 2002

Title Presenter
EUV image-inversion techniques Chris Gurgiolo
Plasmasphere tails Maria Spasojevic
Correlative studies with Lemaire and colleagues Dennis Gallagher
Alternative view of plasmasphere erosion Dennis Gallagher
UDF/DLM changes with new releases Dennis Gallagher
Cold plasma circulation in the magnetosphere Jim Green
Correlating ULF, LANL, GPS TEC observations with EUV Mark Moldwin
Study of refilling using ULF techniques: Implications for IMAGE Dave Berube
Troughs and their statistics Mark Adrian
Plasmaspheric standing wave pattern of 28 June 2000 Mark Adrian
IMAGE EUV and Polar TIDE and EFI simultaneous plasmapause detections Mark Adrian (tentative)
EUV and earlier statistical studies and models of the plasmasphere Bill Sandel
Update on bite-outs and sub-corotation Bill Sandel
Assorted Topics relevant to EUV, including:
  1. Flat-fielding
  2. Absolute calibration & solar flux
  3. Corrected pixel-mapping equations in euv_imtool
  4. Other topics as shouted from the audience
Bill Sandel
New analysis software
  1. Catalog
  2. Tracer
  3. Radial
Bill Sandel
Where is Earth today? Pointing jitter and biases. Bob King
EUV software update
  1. new features in euv_imtool
  2. time-stamp correction
Terry Forrester
Quantifying uncertainty in EUV-extracted E-fields: model-assisted image-based electric fields. Jerry Goldstein
Comparisons between: (a) simple test-particle code; and, (b) EUV plasmapause curves, to study plasmaspheric tails during steady (and not so steady) magnetospheric reconnection. Jerry Goldstein
Standardizing terminology: plume, tail, bite-out, notch, finger, bump, something funny, hole? All

For questions about the meeting, contact Bill Sandel.

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Dr. E. V. Bell, II,, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Dr. D. R. Williams,, +1-301-286-1258
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA Official: Dr. David R. Williams Rev. 1.1.1, 08 November 2002