The IMAGE Monthly Camera
April 1999 - Number 12
Editor: J. L. Burch
SwRI, P.O. Drawer 28510
San Antonio, TX 78228-0510
tel: (210) 522-2526
- Recent Activities
- Upcoming Events
The major activity over the past
two months has been observatory integration and test at
LMMS. The picture at the bottom of this page shows
the IMAGE observatory just after it was rolled out of
the test stand on April 22nd prior to optical alignment.
Other views can be found on
, pictures/obser0499.
The view shown here is of the FUV facet with RPI
radial deployers shown on the two adjacent facets. Red
and white RF hats can be seen on the medium gain
antenna (top left) and an omni antenna (bottom left),
respectively. The cables coming out of the RPI
deployers are connected to the dummy loads located on
the two saw horses. The observatory is fully integrated
except for the payload radiators, which will be installed
Observatory vibration testing will begin on April 30th
and continue through May 7th. These tests will be
followed by pyro/shock and EMC testing. Thermal
vacuum testing will begin in mid-June and last into
July, after which spin balance will be performed. At
that point IMAGE will be ready for launch operations,
which will begin in December.
The next theory/modeling and data meeting will be held
at LMMS, Building 107, from 8:30 AM on May 13th
until noon on May 14th. This meeting will be preceded
by the third meeting of the Mission Operations
Working Group, which will begin at 8:30 AM on
May 12th.
At the data meeting we will have the opportunity to see
the spacecraft in the pyro/shock facility where,
unfortunately, it will be bagged for the required
Manuscripts for the special issue of Space Science
Reviews and the simultaneously published hard-cover
monograph on the IMAGE mission are due to be
submitted to Jim Burch at SwRI in April 1999. The on-time
submission of all manuscripts will assure
publication in November 1999.
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