Editor: J. L. Burch
SwRI, P.O. Drawer 28510
San Antonio, TX 78228-0510
tel: (210) 522-2526
e-mail: jburch@swri.edu
HENA, EUV, FUV, and RPI have all been integrated successfully on the IMAGE payload deck along with the CIDP.
MENA and LENA are undergoing environmental testing and calibration and are due to be integrated during the last week of February.
During the first two weeks of March, the payload electromagnetic compatibility test will be performed at SwRI.
On March 18th, the payload will be shipped to LMMS for integration with the IMAGE spacecraft where Spacecraft integration activities are progressing on schedule.
The new IMAGE launch date is February 15, 2000. This change was made to allow the necessary two months between Delta launches on the same Western Range Launch pad. The EO-1 mission will launch on December 15th.
Manuscripts for the special issue of Space Science Reviews and the simultaneously published hard-cover monograph on the IMAGE mission are due to be submitted to Jim Burch at SwRI in April 1999. The on-time submission of all manuscripts will assure publication in November 1999.
IMAGE payload deck during integration.