Editor: J. L. Burch
SwRI, P.O. Drawer 28510
San Antonio, TX 78228-0510
tel: (210) 522-2526
e-mail: jburch@swri.edu
Pre-ship reviews were held for EUV, FUV, and HENA in December. Pre-ship reviews for MENA, RPI, and the CIDP will be held in the first half of January. The spacecraft pre-ship review will be held on January 20th, while the LENA pre-ship review will be held later in January or in early February.
The picture below shows the HENA instrument during its delivery to SwRI on December 28, 1998. Integration activities for HENA are scheduled to be completed by January 1. Steve Jaskulek, Charles Schlemm, and John Hayes delivered HENA and are now performing instrument checkout.
Manuscripts for the special issue of Space Science Reviews and the simultaneously published hard-cover monograph on the IMAGE mission are due to be submitted to Jim Burch at SwRI in April 1999. The on-time submission of all manuscripts will assure publication in November 1999.
The picture below shows the planned design for an IMAGE lapel pin, which will be 7/8 in. in width and should be available within a month or so. Wear it proudly.
Five hundred IMAGE coffee mugs have been received at SwRI and sufficient quantities are being mailed out to all IMAGE institutions. If you need more, please contact Leah Roberson (lroberson@swri.edu).