Editor: J. L. Burch
SwRI, P.O. Drawer 28510
San Antonio, TX 78228-0510
tel: (210) 522-2526
e-mail: jburch@swri.edu
The IMAGE launch date is now fixed for January 2000. Because of the full Delta queue there will be no possibility of a launch slip because the next available launch date could be as much as one year later, which would not be compatible with our funding cap. Therefore, we are taking whatever steps we can to preserve our current mission schedule reserve of two months.
The spacecraft flight structure containing the thermal/mass simulators of all instruments and subsystems has been integrated and is beginning preliminary environmental testing at LMMS. The picture below shows the MENA thermal mass model in the large cutout in the middle of the upper bay. Toward the left in the adjacent bay (without the solar array panel) is one of the RPI radial deployers. The box below the deckplate is the battery thermal/mass model. During the last week of July a modal survey was conducted on the spacecraft.
The flight spare instrument deck plate has been delivered to SwRI and is being prepared for integration activities in the clean room there. The photo shows Greg Dirks performing a fit check on the qual model RPI radial deployer.
The following pre-environmental reviews are scheduled over the next few months:
An EMI Working Group Meeting will be held at SwRI on September 17, and the first meeting of the Operations Working Group is tentatively scheduled for September 24 at LMMS.