The IMAGE Monthly Camera
September 1997 - Number 7
Editor: J. L. Burch
SwRI, P.O. Drawer 28510
San Antonio, TX 78228-0510
tel: (210) 522-2526
- Recent Activities
- Upcoming Events
- Spacecraft Layout
- Other Items
During the summer, Critical Design Reviews on all
IMAGE instruments, the Ground Segment, the Spacecraft, and the Mission
were completed successfully. The CDRs were followed by an IMAGE Science
Meeting on August 21st. The major action item from the Science Meeting
was to define the IMAGE Level-1 browse products by January 1998. We are
planning to have the next science meeting during January in San Antonio.
On September 8th a Peer Review of the LENA conversion surface was held at
GSFC. The Peer Review Team was chaired by Dave Young of SwRI and included
Herb Funsten (LANL), Raul Baragiola (U. of Va.), Don Stilwell (GSFC),
Ed Powers (GSFC), and Henning Leidecker (GSFC). Many thanks to the entire
LENA team and the Review team for a very successful review.
Final Mechanical Interface Control Documents (MICDs) are very close to
completion for all IMAGE instruments. These MICDs will allow the instrument
deck plate design to be finalized and fabrication to begin.
On October 28-29 a launch vehicle interface meeting will be held at the
Western Range, Vandenberg AFB, CA. On the next day, October 30th, an
Integration and Test Working Group meeting will be held at Vandenberg.
Shown in the right-hand column are three views of the spacecraft layout
provided by Lockheed Martin at the Spacecraft CDR. The top drawing shows
the layout of the payload deck plate. The second drawing shows the
spacecraft equipment bays, which are located below the payload deck plate.
The bottom drawing shows the IMAGE observatory in the Delta 7326 fairing.
Please send any items for the Monthly Camera to the editor.
Pictures of IMAGE activities are especially welcome.
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