The IMAGE Monthly Camera
April 1997 - Number 5
Editor: J. L. Burch
SwRI, P.O. Drawer 28510
San Antonio, TX 78228-0510
tel: (210) 522-2526
- Recent Activities
- Upcoming Events
- Team Activities
- Other Items
The IMAGE mission has now been approved to proceed through Phases
C, D, and E. The OSS Confirmation Review with Wes Huntress and
his staff was held on March 31, 1997. The next major milestone
will be the mission CDR sometime in August.
The IMAGE EMI Working Group, chaired by Bob Manning, met at SwRI
on April 3-4, 1997. There was good participation by SwRI and LMMS
engineers as well as by representatives of several of the IMAGE
science instruments. The recommendations of this team will be
implemented so that EMI is minimized to the greatest extent
possible and affordable.
Beginning sometime in June, instrument-level CDRs will be conducted.
These will be working meetings as opposed to the formal presentations
we had for the PDRs. These reviews will be followed by the
mission-level CDR. As appropriate, certain phase C/D activities,
such as long-lead parts procurement, fabrication of critical
subsystems, etc., will proceed prior to the CDRs because of our fast
Early June may be a good time for an IMAGE team meeting, at which time
we can review progress and compare notes prior to entering the CDR
activities. Any feedback on possible dates for a team meeting would be
Project Management Conference Calls are conducted by Bill Gibson every
Wednesday at 10:00 AM Central time. To join the call, dial 800-403-2028
and enter the code 710527. Each instrument, the CIDP, and the spacecraft
need to be represented on each call.
Dennis Gallagher's Theory and Modeling Team has produced an excellent
video simulation of the IMAGE mission. This video was used in the PDR,
Implementation Readiness Review, and OSS Confirmation Review with very
good results. I keep it on my laptop to show to friends, family, etc.
The Macintosh version can be obtained on the IMAGE ftp site
( in the science folder.
Mr. Orlando Figueroa, the Explorer Program Manager at GSFC has been
promoted to the Directorship of a new technology directorate at Goddard.
His replacement will be Mr. Jim Barrowman, who has had extensive
experience as a project manager for many years at GSFC. We look forward
very much to working with Jim on the implementation of IMAGE. At the same
time, we are very sorry to lose Orlando. As manager of the Explorer office,
Orlando has been responsible for the successful implementation of the
SMEX program, for the completion of the large explorers, and for the
initiation of the MIDEX program. He has been very supportive of IMAGE,
and his help has been crucial in our successful completion of Phase B.
Please send any items for the Monthly Camera to the editor.
Pictures of IMAGE activities are especially welcome.
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