The IMAGE Monthly Camera
August 1996 - Number 3
Editor: J. L. Burch
SwRI, P.O. Drawer 28510
San Antonio, TX 78228-0510
tel: (210) 522-2526
- Recent Activities
- Upcoming Events
- Team Activities
As announced earlier by e-mail, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space
(LMMS) has been selected to develop the IMAGE spacecraft bus.
LMMS won out over four other companies, all of which submitted
excellent proposals. However, the LMMS proposal was rated significantly
ahead of the others, particularly in understanding of the mission
requirements, application of new technology, and reasonableness
of cost. The IMAGE team at LMMS will be derived from their Lunar
Prospector Team. The IMAGE Mission Requirements Review, which
will be held at LMMS in Sunnyvale, CA on September 10-12, 1996,
will be a good opportunity to learn more about the features of
the spacecraft design. We plan to make the technical volume of
the spacecraft proposal available to the IMAGE team pending approval
of LMMS.
The IMAGE Concept Review will be held on December 3 - 5, 1996 at Southwest
Research Institute.
Tom Moore is a co-convenor of a magnetospheric imaging
special session at the Fall AGU meeting. IMAGE will be represented
by five invited papers (Burch, Smith, Young, Reiff, and Gallagher).
Contributed papers are also solicited, and this session will be
a good place to show people what we are doing on IMAGE.
A draft logo for IMAGE has been e-mailed and put on the IMAGE FTP site
at SwRI ( A copy of the logo is shown here.
Several comments have already been received, and a new version
is under construction. Some of the comments that are being addressed
are: 1. NASA needs to be acknowledged; 2. the U.S. flag needs
to be more prominent than the others; 3. the RPI picture needs
to be improved. In the new version a small sun is shown against
a star background. When a new version is ready on the FTP site
it will be announced by e-mail.
Jim Green, Mark Smith, and Rob Kilgore of GSFC have
produced an IMAGE poster, which they will be sending out in the
near future.
Two additions to the RPI team are Jean-Louis Bougeret
and Bob Manning of the Observatoire de Paris in Meudon. Their
interest is in using thermal noise analysis to determine local
plasma density. In addition, there is a possibility for Meudon
to provide amplifier hardware for RPI.
The FUV Spectrographic Imager design has been modified
by moving the spectrometer grating to the entrance in a Wadsworth
spectrometer arrangement, which allows the instrument to have
fewer bounce paths because of the lower intensities it has to
deal with after the grating.
Shown at left is the current IMAGE payload layout.
When the harness is added, space will be tight, and the baseplate
diameter is fixed. Therefore, it is imperative that the various
instrument footprints not grow beyond this point.
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