IMAGE Project: European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Talks presented at the E.G.U. General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 April 2006
- Ebihara, Y., and M.-C. Fok
Dynamics of the ring current during severe magnetic storms.
[Abstract] New!
- Fillingim, M.O., et al.,
Inter-hemispheric similarities and asymmetries of the afternoon aurora: an indicator
of solar wind-magnetosphere energy transfer.
[Abstract] New!
- Fraser, B.J., et al.,
Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves, Plasma Plumes and Cold Ion Density Measurements
in the Magnetosphere.
[Abstract] New!
- Green, J.L., et al.,
Source Region Characteristics of Non-thermal Continuum Radiation.
[Abstract] New!
- Grimald, S., et al.,
NTC Radiation reflected on Magnetopause Surface: Observations from Cluster Large
Scale Configuration.
[Abstract] New!
- Liemohn, M.W., et al.,
The ring current during sawtooth oscillations: Data-model comparisons for 2 events.
[Abstract] New!
- Marcucci, M.F., et al.,
Ionospheric convection during an extended period of northward IMF: implications for
the reconnection configuration at the magnetopause.
[Abstract] New!
- Milillo, A., et al.,
Inner magnetospheric proton distributions during storm development: an empirical
approach applied to the 21-25 April 2001 storm.
[Abstract] New!
- Nakano, S., et al.,
Use of data assimilation to estimate physical parameters in a ring current model.
[Abstract] New!
- Ostgaard, N., et al.,
Substorm onset asymmetries derived from conjugate auroral imaging.
[Abstract] New!
- Pierrard, V., et al.,
Modeling the new structures discovered in the plasmasphere.
[Abstract] New!
- Prange, R.,
Planetary aurorae.
[Abstract] New!
- Provan, G., et al.,
Statistical study of high-latitude plasma flow during magnetospheric substorms.
[Abstract] New!
- Reinisch, B.W., et al.,
IMAGE/RPI density measurements in the inner magnetosphere.
[Abstract] New!
- Reinisch, B.W., et al.,
Modeling the F2 Topside and Plasmasphere for IRI.
[Abstract] New!
- Song, P., et al.,
Specifying Plasma Density Profiles for Plasmasphere Refilling Using IMAGE RPI
[Abstract] New!
- Tu J., et al.,
IMAGE RPI observations of storm enhanced density in the inner magnetosphere.
[Abstract] New!
- Vallat, C., et al.,
Ring Current observations by Cluster and Double Star.
[Abstract] New!
- Wang, H., et al.,
Global multi-satellite and ground-based observations of a substorm onset on
2 Sept. 2004.
[Abstract] New!

Dr. E. V. Bell, II,, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771