IMAGE Project: 8th International Conference on Substorms
Talks presented at the 8th International Conference on Substorms, Banff, Canada, March, 2006
- Aasnes, A., et al.,
Magnetotail plasma sheet energetic electron (>40 keV) response to substorms. New!
- Amm O., et al.,
Analysis of mesoscale ionospheric substorm signatures. New!
- Apatenkov, S., et al.,
Multi-satellite observation of plasma injection/dipolarization in the inner magnetosphere. New!
- Blockx, C., et al.,
FUV remote sensing of the proton isotropy boundary and magnetotail stretching
during growth phases. New!
- Brandt, P.C., et al.,
Global Ring-Current Response to Storm-Substorms. New!
- Brandt, P.C., et al.,
Global perspective on storm-substorm relationship at Earth and beyond. New!
- Bryant, C., et al.,
Depletion of Electrons in a Multiple Substorm Event. New!
- Coumans, V., et al.,
Proton precipitation during substorm growth phase observed by IMAGEFUV: a case study. New!
- Donovan, E., et al.,
Azimuthal Extent of Substorm Expansive Phase Onset. New!
- Fazakerley, A., et al.,
Substorm studies with Cluster and Double Star. New!
- Forsyth, C., et al.,
Observations of tail dynamics using ground and space based instruments
during a period of multiple substorms. New!
- Frey, H., and S. Mende,
Substorm onsets as observed by IMAGE-FUV. New!
- Gerard, J-C. and D. Grodent,
Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling and auroral signature. New!
- Goldstein, J., et al.,
The Magnetotail-Driven Inner Magnetosphere. New!
- Grocott, A., et al.,
Towards a synthesis of substorm electrodynamics: HF radar and auroral observations. New!
- Horton, W., et al.,
Review of Kinetic Instabilities Associated with Substorms. New!
- Hubert, B., et al.,
Monitoring the dayside and nightside reconnection rates during various
auroral events using IMAGE-FUV and SuperDARN data. New!
- Kan, J.R., et al.,
Ring Current Injection Conjecture: Ring Current Intensity Increases with X-Line Formed
Closer to Earth in the Plasma Sheet. New!
- Kavanagh, A. and F. Honary,
Dayside electron precipitation following substorm onsets. New!
- Kistler, L., et al.,
Ionospheric Input to the Magnetotail During Substorm. New!
- Lyons, L., et al.,
Relation of Substorm Disturbances Triggered by Abrupt Solar-Wind
Changes to Physics of Plasma Sheet Transport. New!
- McWilliams, K.A., et al.,
SuperDARN and IMAGE WIC Observations during intervals of Steady Magnetospheric
Convection. New!
- Mende, S., et al.,
Alfven wave produced auroras during substorms. New!
- Meurant, M., et al.,
Global survey of the isotropic boundary during substorm expansive phase. New!
- Milan, S., et al.,
Flux transport in the Dungey cycle: A survey of dayside and nightside reconnection rates. New!
- Nose, M., et al.,
Simultaneous observations of ions of ionospheric origin over the ionosphere
and in the plasma sheet at storm-time substorms. New!
- Ostgaard, N., et al.,
Conjugate imaging of substorms. New!
- Pilipenko, V., et al.,
An attempt to locate substorm onsets using Pi1 signatures. New!
- Shiokawa, K., et al.,
Ground and satellite observations of substorm onset arcs. New!
- Sergeev, V., et al.,
Relationship of magnetic reconnection and injections/dipolarizations. New!
- Voronkov, I., et al.,
Features of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at breakups and onset
inferred from in situ and ground-based multi-instrument alignment. New!
- Wanliss, J., and G. Rostoker
Image analysis and modelling of substorm onsets. New!
- Weygand, J., et al.,
Substorm onset location and the Harang discontinuity. New!
- Zou, S., et al.,
Dayside Convection Changes Observed by SuperDARN during Sawtooth Events. New!
Dr. E. V. Bell, II,, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771