ENA imaging of the inner magnetosphere P.C. Brandt, D.G. Mitchell, E.C. Roelof, and R. Delmajistre To date there are two terrestrial missions carrying Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) cameras that are able to image the global ring current and plasmasheet in the 10-200 keV range with a 5-10 min time resolution. IMAGE was launched in 2000 and Double Star (TC-2) was launched in 2004. The IMAGE mission has given us unprecedented insight in the global dynamics of both the plasmasheet and ring current. We review highlights of the results including storm and substorm dynamics and global effects of magnetosphere-ionosphere (MI) coupling. Shortly the NASA TWINS mission will be launched with two ENA imagers on each satellite capable of imaging in the 1-50 keV range, providing the scientific community with a third and fourth vantage point. Having several vantage points enables higher certainty in inverting ENA images to ring current ion distributions. The basic techniques, results and future developments of inversion methods are reviewed. _______________ Presentation, 2nd Annual Asia Oceanic Geosciences Society Meeting, Singapore 20-24 June 2005