Pressure-Driven Currents Derived from Global ENA Images by IMAGE/HENA E.C. Roelof (JHU/APL, Laurel, MD 20723) The global ion distributions extracted from ENA images obtained by IMAGE/HENA can be used to calculate the distribution of plasma pressure throughout the ring current region. Knowing the plasma pressure and the magnetic field, one can calculate the three-dimensional current system that is driven by the pressure gradient, assuming force equilibrium with divJ=0. For an isotropic pressure tensor P=PI, the complete current intensity J can be calculated from Euler potentials, one of which is the pressure (P) itself, and the other (Q) is the partial volume of the magnetic flux tube measured from the minimum-B equator. For a dipole field, the latter is a simple analytic function, but in principle Q can be calculated from any magnetic field model. If P is not isotropic, a solution still exists, but it is not directly in Euler potentials. Examples derived from the HENA images will be presented of the topology of the global pressure-driven current system and the field-aligned (Region 2) currents that are driven into the ionosphere. ___________ Presentation at the Yosemite Conference of Inner Magnetospheric Interactions, 3 - 6 February 2004, Yosemite, California, USA