Ion Precipitation from the Ring Current: Local Time and Storm Phase Dependence, and Importance for Interpreting One and Two Vantage Point Energetic Neutral Atom Image Inversions D.G. Mitchell (JHU/APL, Laurel, MD 20723), P.C. Brandt, E.C. Roelof, and R. Demajistre Ion loss from the storm-time ring current is dominated by four primary mechanisms. One is "flow-through" loss, by which the ion number and/or energy content of the ring current is reduced when the source plasma sheet population decreases, such that convection loss on open ion drift paths exceeds the ion source of convection into the ring current from the tail. A second is energy loss of ions (primarily on closed drift paths) through Coulomb interaction with cold plasma. A third is charge-exchange loss, whereby ions charge exchange with cold gas atoms in the exosphere, and radiate to space as energetic neutral atoms (ENA). The fourth is precipitation loss and ENA emission as ions in the loss cone interact with the atmosphere at the foot-points of field lines. This last loss process is particularly difficult to predict, and depends strongly on mechanisms that scatter ions into the loss cone (otherwise, the loss cone would quickly empty and no additional losses would occur by this mechanism). Some of the ions that enter the loss cone do not precipitate into the atmosphere, but instead radiate to space as ENA, often after multiple charge-exchange interactions. In fact, when the loss cone is populated, the ENA emission from the entire ring current is often dominated by emission from the interaction of ions with the oxygen exobase. In this paper, we explore the dependence of this emission on local time as a function of energy and storm phase. We also discuss the complexity this emission introduces in the process of inversion of single vantage point and two vantage point ENA images to obtain the source ion distributions. ___________ Presentation at the Yosemite Conference of Inner Magnetospheric Interactions, 3 - 6 February 2004, Yosemite, California, USA