Comparison of Geosynchronous Quiet-Time Plasmaspheric Density Structure with IMAGE EUV Observations D. Galvan (UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095), E. Winegar, M.B. Moldwin, J. Goldstein, B. Sandel, and M.F. Thomsen The plasmasphere during quiet geomagnetic intervals shows a surprising amount of azimuthal structure. A comparison of simultaneous data from six LANL Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzers in geosynchronous orbit with IMAGE EUV data allows for the quantitative comparison of the density of the outer plasmasphere as a function of MLT. Episodes when one or more LANL satellites observed long intervals of plasmaspheric plasma are compared to IMAGE EUV observations to place the in situ observations into a global context. This allows the identification of co-rotating and quasi-stationary structures in the outer plasmasphere and allows us to quantify the density gradients observed by IMAGE EUV. Several case studies from 2001 to 2003 are presented. ________________ Presentation at the Yosemite Conference of Inner Magnetospheric Interactions, 3 - 6 February 2004, Yosemite, California, USA