Inner Magnetosphere Empirical Plasma Density Models Based on Radio Sounder Observations from the RPI instrument on IMAGE J. Green (1), B. Reinisch (2), X. Huang (2), P. Song (2), and P. Nsumei (2) (1) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (2) Center for Atmospheric Research, University of Massachusetts Lowell, MA 01854 A new Inner Magnetosphere Empirical Plasma density distribution model (IMEP) is being developed using the radio plasma imager (RPI) measurements on the IMAGE satellite. RPI performs radio sounding in the magnetosphere using frequencies between 3 kHz and 3 MHz. IMAGE is on an elliptical polar orbit with an apogee altitude of 8.2 RE geocentric radial distance, and a perigee of ~1,000 km. The primary presentation of RPI echo measurements are in the form of plasmagrams, which are the magnetospheric analog of ionograms. A plasmagram is a plot of echo amplitude as a function of frequency and virtual range (derived from an echo's delay time). RPI plasmagrams show echo traces that are formed by signals propagating over distances of up to 7 RE. Both direct and field-aligned echoes have been measured. Direct echoes are those signals whose return path, to the spacecraft, are along the density gradient in the plasma. The field-aligned echoes propagate along the magnetic field to both hemispheres, reflect at their local cutoff frequencies, before returning to the spacecraft. A newly developed technique inverts the echo traces on the plasmagrams to electron density profiles. By using consecutive plasmagrams with field-aligned echoes electron density profiles are obtained at varying L shells while IMAGE moves through the plasmasphere. In this way it has become possible to develop an empirical plasmasphere density model. Our results show a symmetric plasmasphere density distribution around the magnetic equator at equinox, while higher densities are contained in the winter hemisphere during solstice. When IMAGE is in the polar cap region, the vertical polar cap plasma density distribution can be determined for a variety of geomagnetic conditions. The resulting polar cap density models, created from the sounder data, are compared with a number of existing models. _______________ Chapman Conference on Physics and Modelling of the Inner Magnetosphere Helsinki, Finland, 25-29 August 2003