Control of Plasmaspheric Dynamics by Both Convection and Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (SAPS): Observations by IMAGE EUV Compared to Results of Simple Models. J. Goldstein (Space Science and Engineering Division, Southwest Research Institute, P.O. Drawer 28510, San Antonio, TX 78228-0510 USA), B. R. Sandel, P. C:son Brandt In the classic picture, plasmaspheric dynamics is controlled by an inner magnetospheric electric (E) field that is composed of two components, (1) a corotation E-field that encourages cold plasma to move eastward with the rotating Earth, and (2) a convection E-field that encourages cold plasma to flow sunward. Whereas the corotation field is strongest near the Earth, with increasing radial distance the convection field becomes more important. As this convection field is driven by the flow of the solar wind and the dayside reconnection rate, the strength of convection varies with geomagnetic disturbance levels. A simple E-field model that fits with the classic picture, but also contains a primitive treatment of inner magnetospheric shielding, is that of Volland-Stern (VS). We have constructed a very basic plasmapause evolution model that is driven by a suitably normalized Volland-Stern E-field whose strength is proportional to the product of the solar wind speed and the southward component of the interplanetary magnetic field. We show the results of applying this basic VS-driven model to three events: (a) 2 June 2001, (b) 25-27 June 2000, and (c) 17 April, 2002. We compare the VS-driven model output to observations of the IMAGE extreme ultraviolet (EUV) imager. For these three events, we find that the VS electric field yields quantitatively good agreement with EUV data on the morning side, but only qualitative agreement in the afternoon sector. More specifically stated, the VS-driven model plasmapause occurs within 0.5 earth radii (RE) of the EUV-observed plasmapause on the morning side, but is 1-2 RE further out than the EUV plasmapause on the afternoon side. The afternoon disagreement suggests that the V-S electric field model is not strong enough on the afternoon side, and that a better E-field model can be constructed by superposing the V-S convection field plus another component that is strongly localized to the afternoon sector. The most obvious candidate for this afternoon component is the sub-auroral polarization stream (SAPS) electric field that has been shown to produce a strong azimuthal flow channel at the radial location of the inner edge of the plasma sheet. We show that a quantitatively better E-field model must include both a convection field and a SAPS field. We show that a SAPS-like radially-localized flow channel can explain the details of the observed duskside plasmapause evolution as seen by EUV, especially on 17 April 2002, when a duskside plasmapause "undulation" was observed in which a thin strip of the outermost plasmasphere was rapidly removed. To corroborate the hypothesis that a SAPS-like E-field can account for the afternoon discrepancy, we present observations of the DMSP satellites that show strong sub-auroral duskside flows during the proposed SAPS intervals. This talk will be complemented by a second talk by Brandt et al, that presents the ring-current perspective using data from the IMAGE high-energy neutral atom (HENA) imager. _______________ Presented at the August 2003 AGU Chapman Conference, Helsinki, Finland