Placing Multiple In Situ Observation of the Inner Magnetosphere in Global Context with the IMAGE EUV Imager Moldwin, M., B. Sandel, M. Thomsen Images from the IMAGE EUV instrument of plasmaspheric plasma that appear to cross geosynchronous orbit are compared to the "picture" of plasmaspheric plasma derived from multiple geosynchronous satellite observations. While the EUV image provides a global snapshot, the multiple geosynchronous orbit spacecraft provide in situ density information both inside and outside the plasmapause in order to quantitatively estimate the density gradients associated with the EUV intensity levels. Intervals of quiet and stormtime are examined in order to put the multiple in situ observations into global perspective. _______________ To be presented at the Magnetospheric Imaging Workshop, Yosemite National Park, California, U.S.A., Feb. 5-8, 2002.