Penetration electric field and the formation of plasmaspheric shoulders and notches J. Goldstein (1), R.W. Shapiro (1), R.A. Wolf (1), P.H. Reiff (1), J.W. Freeman (1), B.R. Sandel (2), W.T. Forrester (2), D.L. Gallagher (3), R.L. Lambour (4) Sudden changes in solar wind (SW) and IMF allow outer mag-netospheric E-fields to penetrate past the inner magnetosphere.s shielding layer. The intensity of this .penetration E-field. is con-centrated in MLT: .active regions. (AR) are found in the pre-dawn (PD) and pre-noon (PN) local times. A comparison study showing good agreement between simulations and IMAGE EUV data, establishes the connection between penetration and .shoul-ders. and .notches. that form in the PDAR, where penetration-induced plasma motion is most pronounced. Detailed analysis of EUV-observed plasmapause motion also shows both a pro-nounced PDAR concentration and a strong correlation with rapidly-changing SW/IMF. _______________ Presented at the 27th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Maastricht, The Netherlands, August 17-24, 2002.