Echo Arrival Measurements with RPI on the IMAGE Satellite G.S.Sales, B.W.Reinisch. D.M.Haines, G.C.Cheney, U. Massachusetts Lowell J.L.Green, S.F.Fung, R.F.Benson, W.W.L.Taylor, NASA GSFC NASA's IMAGE satellite was launched was launched on 25 March 2000 from Vandenburg AFB, CA. into a highly elliptical polar orbit with an altitude of 7 Re at apogee and 1000 km at perigee. A radio sounder on IMAGE, the Radio Plasma Imager (RPI), transmits radio pulses with frequencies between 3 kHz and 3 MHz into all directions to obtain information about the plasma distribution in the magnetosphere, including the magnetopause, the cusp, and the plasmasphere. The received echo signals are displayed in a "plasmagram" showing the echo amplitudes as function of frequency and range similar to the ionograms used in ionospheric sounding, except that the echo ranges extend to several Re. To correctly interpret the different echo traces in the plasmagram it is necessary to measure the arrival angle of the different echoes. RPI has three orthogonal dipole antennas, two 500-m tip-to-tip dipoles in the spin plane, and a 20-m tip-to-tip dipole along the spin axis. One of the long dipoles is used for transmission of the radio pulses, and all three antennas are used for the arrival angle measurement. The intermediate frequency at the output of the three receivers is quadrature sampled, i.e., samples are taken at omega*t = 0 and omega*t = pi/2. This sampling technique measures two instantaneous E field vectors in the polarization plane, E and E', and the vector product E x E' gives the direction of arrival of the echo. During IMAGE's first few months in orbit, RPI has recorded echoes from the magnetopause, the plasmasphere, and the cusp. The direction finding technique is discussed using some of these echoes. It is shown that the accuracy of the calculated angles is critically dependent on the calibration of the three receivers. __________ Presented at the URSI meeting, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A., Jan 2001