The ring current observed by IMAGE/HENA P.C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, Y. Ebihara, E. C. Roelof This talk aims at discussing the contribution of global ENA imaging to our understanding of the ring current. A brief review of our current knowledge in ring-current dynamics and composition is given based on both recent observations and recent modeling efforts. The Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) observations of the ring current from the High Energy Neutral Atom (HENA) imager (10-60 keV) onboard IMAGE are discussed focussing on two events: 23-24 May, a -120 nT storm with rapid changes in the convective electric field with equally rapid response of the ring-current configuration and subsequent stabilization to stationary drift patterns and low-altitude precipitation; 10 June, a period with both storm and sub-storm related activity with clear signatures of energy-dependent drifts of newly injected ions. We compare the first event with a time-dependent ring-current model. Preliminary results of extracting the ion distribution from the ENA images of the second event are presented. ________________ Presented at the Seventh Huntsville Workshop - A New View of Geospace: Integration, Interpretation and Synthesis October 30 - November 3, 2000, Callaway Gardens, Georgia