Image of IMAGE in space

IMAGE Logo, Poster, Drawings, Diagrams, & Simulations

IMAGE poster (front) IMAGE poster (back) IMAGE Logo
Front of IMAGE poster (464 k) Back of IMAGE poster (754 k) IMAGE Logo (364 k)  (3.2 Mb TIFF)
Cartoon of the IMAGE spacecraft IMAGE Science Objectives Model of the IMAGE spacecraft
Cartoon of the IMAGE spacecraft (15 k) IMAGE Science Objectives (48 k) Model of the IMAGE spacecraft (801 k)
Layout of the payload deck plate Layout of the spacecraft equipment bays, below the payload deck plate Layout of IMAGE in the Delta 7326 fairing
Drawing of layout of the payload deck plate (11 k) Drawing of layout of the spacecraft equipment bays, below the payload deck plate (15 k) Drawing of layout of IMAGE in the Delta 7326 fairing (8 k)
Exploded view of the IMAGE spacecraft Cross section through the IMAGE spacecraft IMAGE Orbit Diagram
Cartoon showing an exploded view of the IMAGE spacecraft (22 k) Diagram showing a cross section through the IMAGE spacecraft (12 k) IMAGE Orbit Diagram (14 k)
May 1986 event Simulated images
May 1986 event (25 k) Simulated images (53 k)

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Dr. E. V. Bell, II,, +1-301-286-1187
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Dr. D. R. Williams,, +1-301-286-1258
NSSDC, Mail Code 690.1, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA Official: Dr. David R. Williams Rev. 2.0.0, 29 August 2002